Tuesday, September 25, 2012

pARTyzant - Guitar offensive

"Gitarowa OFFensywa" is the name of the tour which my brother will begin this Friday in Katowice in Old Timers Garage. If you are interested in concert in Katowice you can find more information about tickets and concert on this page: http://www.old-timers.pl/bilety.html

More information about tour you can find here: http://www.facebook.com/events/255636394555187/

pARTyzant is guitar player, who is using unique technique - two handed tapping. During tour he will play together with his son Mikołaj.

My brother will play also in Warsaw in Chwila club on 13.10:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coldplay in Warsaw

I bought tickets for this concert in January. I like Coldplay - don't want to discuss which album is the best, which is not and why. I wanted to see Coldplay live. On 19.09 I went to National Stadium in Warsaw (for me it was first opportunity to see this stadium)) with mixed emotions.  Concert began at 09 pm and lasted two hours. I have to say it was marvelous event - spectacle based on music and  light.  We received flashing wristband (as always on Coldplay's concerts) which helped to create proper atmosphere. It was exiting time ...

Due to restrictions I could take photos only using my iphone.
On youtube you can find a lot of films from this concert.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Bukowina Tatrzańska

Last week I went to Bukowina Tatrzańska. It was nice weather and I had opportunity to take a stroll into mountains.  Below some pictures I took during walk. It was still summer, but you could fill autumn round the corner ...