Rome ... Rome
has been on my target from some time now. In February I bought tickets using
Alitalia promotion and chose May as month for visiting Rome (I heard it is the best month to visit Rome, but it turned out that it is not true in this year :) ).
impression connected with Rome – style, big squares, narrow streets, good food,
traffic jams and sights from films. Especially films are interesting way of
perceiving this beautiful town -
“Angels & Demons” , “Roman Holiday”, “To Rome with Love”, “La Dolce Vita” – there
are only few which could be inspiration where to go in Rome.

are many ways how to tour Rome – I used internet (interesting links are below),
paper guides (below) and piece of advice from my fellow worker Marta to find out
about the interesting places
describe my way of visiting city and include some of my impression and photos.
Useful links:
Tour for fans of Dan Brawn:
Rome in polish language:
(BTW you can see six paintings of Caravaggio for free :) )
How to get from Flumicino to city center:
Train timetable:
Tickets to Rome museums:
My guides: